Sunday, March 27, 2016

Pressing the Reset Button

This week was the only week that I had for Spring Break. I had a lot of different plans and goals in mind -- get started on my demo reel, read for fun, exercise a little more, travel a little bit.

Those plans fell by the way side. Instead of those plans, I began to worry about the future. I'm expected to graduate in the spring. SPCN is coming up in in nearly two months. I'm attempting to balance two jobs on top of and internship and everything going on in my life. There's a lot going on in my head and it hasn't even started yet. And when it hasn't started yet -- well, my mind has a tendency to think about every worst case scenario that could possibly happen (trust me, there's never just one worst case scenario).

And now I'm beginning to realize -- just breathe. Everything is going to be okay. Sure, this break wasn't the most productive. But it allowed me to press the reset button and reassess what needs to be done, and what needs to matter now in my life. To relax and enjoy the house that held all the dreams that I'm not carrying out now. To be with family and the ones I love. To just live and relish in the idea of being home. This quarter I'm about to experience is only one small part of the life I have and the life I plan to have. Whatever shit will happen, I will take with my chin up and head high.

But for now, I will enjoy the comfort of being in my pajamas, lounging at home and enjoying sunsets across the horizon as I rest up for the beginning of a new and final quarter.

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