Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lighten the Burden of Living

Believe in your abilities and skills, but understand that you can't do everything all at once.

Understand that you should always challenge yourself, but don't push yourself to the point where your biggest challenge becomes trying to breathe.

Push yourself to accomplish all the important things in your life, but know that the most important things take not only dedication, but also time and patience.

When you're drowning, when you're feeling overwhelmed, when you're feeling lost in the stress and the work, let it all out. Cry by yourself, scream at the skies, bang your fists to the walls of your limitations. Then Breathe. And Re-evaluate.

We all like to think that that the sky is the limit, that we can do everything we want as long as we put our minds to it. But we only have two feet, two hands, one head, one heart. We are only designed to carry so much. The heavier the weight of the work you carry, the harder it is to find time to care for yourself.

We must take care of the only two feet, two hands, one head, and one heart that we have.

There is a time and place for everything. Opportunities are in abundance, you just have to believe that you will take it when you feel that the time is right. Sometimes you have to leave behind some things that are important in order to lighten the burden of living. And that is completely fine.

I write this because I had to leave behind something I thought I needed to do at this point in time. But I realized that forcing myself to keep it in my life was only making me neglect my two feet, two hands, one head, and one heart. I needed to re-evaluate the things I was doing, and remind myself that the important things in life will come in due time.

When we lighten the burden of living, we are able to live a better and healthier life. So please, my readers, do not keep forcing yourself to carry that burden by yourself. Let things go, and let yourself live. Everything will be okay.

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